If you haven't already heard, we spent the past several weeks moving into a more spacious pad. That's why I haven't posted since July. Moving is hard work; no one pays nearly enough attention to you, the best toys get left in a box until the very last, and its hard to remember where anything is. Especially for someone with a short term memory, like myself. But on the flip side, there are lots of good boxes to bang on.
Let's see...since my last update, I had my 9 month baby visit with the doctor. Here are the stats:
Weight: 22 lbs, 1 oz. (80th percentile!), Height: 29 & 3/4 in. (90th percentile!!) and HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 49 cm. (97th percentile!!!!!). That's right - ain't no stoppin' this head!
I also got my drivers license...
And....the moment you've been waiting for...I started crawling! This is a video, so remember that you have to click the arrow at the lower left side. Since it's in my contract not to do nudity, I made the Mom edit some stuff out. But feel free to use your imagination!
Until next time...
Your daddy is silly! He was singing the hymn "Come and Dine"!