Monday, January 5, 2009

Hello 2009!

2009 is a brand new year - full of promise and a great time to start fresh!
As a two and a half month old, Rory has some pretty serious resolutions this year: more tummy time, more smiles, some sitting up, less spitting up. The list goes on and on, but most importantly, he plans to spend more time with family and friends this year than in '08.

Rory spent some quality time hanging with his Pop's friend Joe while watching the Ravens win on Sunday. Go Ravens! Rory says, "Cw-kaa! Cw-kaa!" (his Raven call)

Goodbye 2008 . . .

This year we celebrated the holidays in Baltimore with Rick's family. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed introducing Rory to all of his Baltimore kin. The four-hour drive went remarkable well - Rory slept almost the whole time. With only an hour to go, he woke up hungry, wet and mad about it. So our little family made our first ever visit into a "Family Restroom" at a Rest Stop - who knew such a thing existed? And it wasn't even scary. Now we are closer than ever . . .

As you can see from the cute PJs, these pics were taken the night before Christmas. Rory doesn't believe in Santa Claus, but he wore the outfit because the long lines are so flattering.

Rory got to meet his cousins over the holiday. Above is Rory with Ryan, the oldest of his four first cousins. And to the right are second cousins Sihara, Mackensie and Miles with Rick's cousin Lynn. The Younger's are a big family, so we're not testing Rory on any of these names just yet.

The Younger men - Roy, Rick and Rory - spent had fun hanging out together, doin' manly stuff like sitting around in their underwear and passing a bottle around.
Rory says, "Life is good, man."