Hello everyone. I know, I know...when I took over this blog I made this promise: "I, Rory C., will post pictures and news more often than that lady ever did!" But, well, I'm a busy baby, folks. Since my last post, over a month ago (I know!) a lot has been going on. First of all, I'm now five months old. Five months! Can you believe it? Times flies when you sleep as much as I do. Last week at my 5 month appointment (before I got tortured with more shots!
Grrr!) I measured at 27 inches and 19lbs. All muscle, baby!

This guy they call Daddy likes to read to me, and so does the lady. Since I'm sitting up now (okay, with help), I'm enjoying fine literature more and more.

Speaking of reading, I got to read to my grandparents in Oklahoma a few weeks ago. That's right, I'm a world traveler. I don't know where Oklahoma is, but its very far away. You have to go down this long hallway, then get into a crowded,
noisy room they call "airplane" and sit still for about four hours. Then you're in Oklahoma. I slept through most of it.

Oklahoma was great. I met lots of new fans. Like Bebe - she's been sending fan mail for months. It was so great to finally have a chance
to sit on her!

And this is me with my Grandpa at the dinner table. We had a good time together. Oklahoma has big comfy chairs and creatures that bark. Grandpa was my tour guide through this safari.

This is my Auntie Jocelyn, and in Oklahoma we got to meet for the first time. I've been hearing a lot about her, and she's been hearing a lot about me too (I mean, who hasn't!) We had a great time together, Auntie and I!

And we took some good naps together too. With a busy schedule like mine, you've got to take time to relax on someone you love. After I woke up from these naps, I said goodbye to Grannie and Grandpa and promised to see them again in the land of Oklahoma again sometime this summer. Since I've been back home, I've been enjoying some new experiences! Like solid food!

No, not cake, silly! I'm way too careful about my figure to risk eating sugary food. But the Daddy had a birthday recently, and this is his cake. Apparently there was a big show to celebrate. I wasn't allowed to go, so it must not have been too much fun.

Anyway, back to me. Below is a picture of me modeling a new
onesie the lady's friend sent in the mail. It's my favorite. I hope this picture isn't too provocative, I really should have put on some pants. But I'm very proud of my legs. They're one of my best features.

And below I'm modeling my new high chair! Remember when I said I was enjoying solid food? Well, apparently, once you start eating it, you get to sit in a fancy chair like this.

Solid foods are amazing! Since I only have my two teeth on the bottom, everything is still pretty slushy. And they don't let me have it as much as I want. Pears are my favorite, then bananas. Next week will be sweet
potatoes! I can't wait!

Well, that's the update from The Roar. I'll be better about my posts from now on. The tour to the land of Oklahoma really threw off my posting schedule, but now I'm back, and I've got things to say!
Until next time,