And if that wasn't bad enough - I have a TOOTH! Yes, a pearly white is poking its head up just behind my bottom lip, and another is just under the surface of my gum right next to it. Nobody told me that teeth came along with a four month birthday, and I would have appreciated a little warning. People, whatever you do in life, try to keep from growing teeth! It is no fun and very uncool. I'd show you a picture of my tooth, but I haven't allowed the press to cover this breaking story yet. The tooth and I would like to spend a little time together before we reveal it to the public. I'm sure you understand.
On the flip side, since no one around here is getting any sleep, we've all been on a diet. The dude has lost about 18 pounds....and I'm up to 18 pounds...and that lady's lost about 12 pounds. I have to say, I think we're looking pretty good. Especially me! I've really been trying to tone my physique. Below are some pics for your enjoyment...