In honor of my Dad's first Father's Day, I thought I'd put up a bunch of pictures of the great week we had together. Being a Dad is underrated, and I'm here to tell you that this guy puts in a lot time with his favorite baby (me).
These two pictures were taken on Father's Day, when I took him out to brunch before showering him with gifts. I'm generous like that. In the one below, I'm doing my imitation of Dad watching a game on TV....pretty good, no?!
And the pictures below were taken on "Show Day" - the last day of my "Bugs" class at the Little Gym. We got to invite people to come and watch us do the gymnastics we'd been learning for the past 5 months. Since Little Gym has been a Me & Dad thing every Monday, we invited the Mom, who took these pictures with her cell phone. Enjoy!enjoyed watching me learn to sit up so straight times.
I've been dreaming of this moment for over half of my life.
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