So the Mom started her own blog - I think she wants to be like me. (I try to be a role model.) She says it's not going to be all about me, but three of her first posts are ALL about me. She can't stay away. So, I thought I'd help her promote her blog here. If you wanna check it out the address is:
But I'll paste the three entries that are about me below.
Peace y'all,
Egg Hunt
Today my husband and I are taking our 17 month old son, Rory, to the park for an Easter Egg Hunt. Should be interesting since Rory has recently discovered the attention getting power of The Temper Tantrum. I can’t WAIT until some poor unsuspecting kid goes for the same egg that Rory wanted and Rory does a pavement body slam and shrieks to the gods. This week Rory was given a helium balloon by an unsuspecting do-gooder. He obsessed over the balloon, refusing to let it go so I could put him back in the stroller. Sucker that I am, I let him walk along side the stroller so he could hold the balloon and all would be happiness and laughter. Ha. About a block or so into this little stroll, Rory let go of the balloon and it floated right out of his hand. Tragedy! Rory screamed, arched his back, kicked his arms and legs, laid on the ground (a crowded NYC sidewalk, naturally) and, in all, made a complete spectacle of the two of us. Please note that while this show of displeasure was going on, the balloon was TIED to the stroller, not even a foot over his head. All right, chicken soup for the soul, I get it; there’s a lesson in that for me too.
Egg Smackdown
My son met the 2 egg limit at the Easter Egg hunt astonishingly fast. I have to admit, it made me proud. Granted, most of the other toddlers were more interested in sticks and dead leaves than pastel plastic eggs filled with choking-hazard-prizes. But not my boy! He shoulder blocked a little girl in pink and nearly tackled a runny nosed boy in a parka. Once he had his Two, he held them up over his head and slammed them on the pavement several times. I think to prove what a simple task it was for one such as He.

Every day Rory has a new obsession. Today it is the paw mittens that only a few weeks ago he refused to wear. I pity the fool who tries to take them off!