Happy Half Birthday to Me!
Today I am HALF! Yes, just six months ago today (a Saturday no less) I made my loud and grand entrance into the lives of my superb parents and wonderful family. It has been a pretty good life so far. I've been told I'm an amazing baby, not that I like to brag. But I'm already 21 pounds and over 27 inches long. (I get an A+ for size.) And I'm working hard on my sitting up and standing. I have almost mastered rolling over...just that pesky arm gets in my way sometimes. But I've found that when you get stuck you can begin complaining loudly and someone will come over and give you a little shove to help you get the rest of the way.
Words to live by, no?

WOW! Who is this handsome fellow!
Pictures of this guy are all over my house.
I'm starting to think my parents know this kid. (Should I be jealous?)
"So, how long since you quit pacifying?"
Even though I'm already half, I'm still my Mama's little baby.
The past few weeks have included lots of family events that have taken us down to Baltimore to see family. Last weekend it was Grandma and Grandpa's 45th Wedding anniversary. That means they have been married for a long, long time. Even longer than I've been alive!
Here is a picture of the whole family celebrating with them.

We also recently went down for funeral services for Mrs. Viola Boyd, a very dear lady who brought music into the lives of lots of people at my Dad's church. It was a sad occasion, but it brought me and my three first cousins, Ryan, Cydney & Hunter, all together for the first time.

Even though I'm already HALF, I'm still working on being a generous cousin, especially when it comes to sharing the spotlight!

Finally, I'm sure by now you've already admired me in those smokin' bunny ears my Oklahoma Grannie sent. (If you haven't, scroll down - I put an even bigger picture of them up for your viewing pleasure.) Well, I'm a baby who wears many hats. And here are a few more. Not sure WHY nobody has given me a BIRTHDAY hat...I've been hinting, but these two, they just don't get it.
With six months of love,