Decided to start a blog to share this experience with our friends and family in lands far away. So, might as well start from the beginning . . .
It was Valentine's Day and Rick had no idea that we might be having a baby. I went with him to a Comedy Cures event and waited until afterward to tell him. We were stunned. It wasn't the teary excitement you see on Lifetime movies. After several moments of a riveting conversation: "Are you sure?" "Well, no, but I think so . . . maybe". . . we both decided that perhaps home pregnancy tests are very often wrong, so we better just wait to get too excited until we make a doctor's appointment. That way we'd have an official declaration. Never mind that I was three weeks late and had taken two pregnancy tests that turned positive the second a drop of pee fell on them. So, skeptics that we are, we celebrated the rest of Valentines Day in a numbly thrilled haze with sappy smiles on our faces.